Here is some stuff that I write about every once in awhile. I've got articles about comics, animation, toys, video games, and other things I like. There are also some local convention reports. Some of this is supposed to be nonsense so don't take everything too seriously. There are some really crazy ones in here.
Be an awesome person and send me some feedback. |
Insane Rants and Ramblings
Ridiculous stuff I wrote about to get myself into trouble.
Comics and Animation
Reviews and observations on cartoons, anime, comic books, and related awesome stuff.
Video Games
Exploring some games that are classic, obscure, unique, weird, or just plain cool.
Movies and Shows
Crazy live action stuff I like to watch.
Toys and Collectibles
I enjoy collecting material objects so here's some writing I've done about toys.
Convention Reports
Talking about comic/sci-fi/anime conventions I've attended. I don't really do these anymore but I'm keeping them around for the memories.
TransformersCon 2006 Report. Toronto Transforms again into this great convention. Includes Bonus Artwork! |
Canadian National Expo 2005. Another report on the year's biggest convention in Toronto. |
Anime North 2005. The biggest and most hilarious Canadian Anime Con yet! |
TransformersCon 2005. The Canadian Transformers convention FRENZY! |
Canadian National Expo 2004. Toronto's big comic book, sci-fi, and anime con, now with horror! |
Anime North 2004. Canada's biggest Anime Convention gets Split into Pieces. |
Toronto AnimeCon March 2004. A very non-serious look at a small scale convention. |
TransformersCon 2004. A report on Canada's amazing Transformers convention! |
Montreal Expo 2003. A convention experience filled with comics, anime, sci-fi, and Poutine! |
Canadian National Expo 2003. Another weekend of comics, sci fi, and anime madness. |
Anime North 2003! Ninjatron becomes a convention celebrity! |
Canadian National Expo 2002. The Ninja Returns to Toronto's big show. |
Anime North 2002. Detailed reviews of Toronto's #1 Anime Convention! |
The Canadian National Expo 2001! Costumes, Anime, Transformers, and Scott McNeil! | | |