
I forgot to post this art up here. It’s Bumblebee and Fix-it from the new Transformers: Robots in Disguise series. Not to be confused with the old Robots in Disguise or the Robots in Disguise comic book which are both totally different than this. Hey, I don’t name this stuff!

I had not seen it the show yet when I drew this as it had not yet aired, but now I’ve watched the first 2 episodes and I like it so far. I worked on this whit streaming online via Picarto and I will be doing more of that in the future, so follow me on Twitter to find out when. You can watch as I draw, listen to some cool tunes, and chat!

Also, I have recently been posting some of the artwork I did for a first year school project. The assignment was to take a video game and turn it into a board or card game so we would learn about how game mechanics and create the art assets. So, I picked the Scott Pilgrim Vs The World game.

Scott Pilgrim is an amazing comic book series that I absolutely devoured when I first read it. The movie is my #1 favorite movie of all time. I had a lot of fun working on the drawings for this project, despite being sick and having to work beyond the end of the semester on it all. I wanted to at least share the artwork on it’s own without getting into all the extra game-related material on there.


There will be many more of these so keep watching my deviantArt account. I did not get around to drawing the entire cast so maybe I will draw some of the characters I didn’t get to eventually



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