
And now it’s time for another thrilling episode of…

Toys Ninja Just Bought!

Let me tell you a story. There is a secret shared within the ranks of action figure collectors. It is by no means a rule, and often will not bear fruit. However, once in a blue moon, fortune will smile upon those who know this secret.

Today, I will share this precious secret with you all .

You see, action figure collectors often visit stores several times a week to find what they want, often hoping to find that the rare figure, be the first to buy from a new assortment just put on the shelves, so simply to look and see what’s out there. Natural choices for these excursions are places like Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and other department stores.

The secret is that sometimes the most unlikely of stores have some interesting items worth buying. Drug stores, clothing stores, those sorts of places. The places that no one goes to while looking for action figures. Sometimes you’ll find that rare figure or a new assortment before anyone else has gotten to it. And sometimes you’ll find something that has long since gone out of circulation. And sometimes you’ll find these items at a price far less than they really ought to be sold for. So, every once in a while, I extend my search to cover places like these in the hopes of unearthing some sort of hidden treasure.

The moon was blue today.

A clothing store catering to an adult clientele is the last place any collector would expect to find action figures, but there is a local one that has a small and messy tucked away toy section. Because parents will often leave there children unattended there, the place usually looks like a hurricane blew threw it. There is no order here, only chaos. Searching through it is not for the faint of heart. Amidst the Harry Potter toys inexplicably intermingling with die-cast cars and craft sets with damaged packaging, something caught my eye. It was a Masters of the Universe vs The Snakemen action figure. Except for a final few waves of figures late last year, this toy line has been cancelled in this country. And yet, there it was, and selling for several dollars less than usual. So, why not give it a good home? I considered the purchase and wondered if there were any more.

Indeed there were. I turned around and discovered several more characters that I was interested in. I dug through the aisles, thoroughly scanning the area, and when I was finished I ended up taking home 6 action figures for about half the price they would have originally sold for had this line not been as scarce as it was.

Masters of the Universe

And there we have it. Venom Spitting Kahn, King Hsss, the recoloured version of Two Bad, Serpent Track Mekaneck, the kick-ass character Zodak, and Battle Fist. Not a bad haul for this neck of the woods, all things considered.

GI Joe

I also bought this GI Joe set with 3 figures and the VHS tape of the Spy Troops movie. I never got into GI Joe as a kid, but what the hell, this stuff looks cool. Cobra Commander is a cool villain and Snake Eyes is a ninja, which is always a plus in my book. The cashier made a mistake and charged me less than what she was supposed to. Lucky me.

So that was today’s adventure. I hope that those toy collectors out there who are now made privy to the secret will use it for good and not for evil. Buy the toys that you or someone you know will enjoy, and not the rare ones so you can scalp them on EBay for more than you paid. Otherwise I’ll be forced to see to your destruction. Happy hunting.



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