
I am at my wit’s end with this computer. It kept on resetting itself for no reason. Even after a clean install, it just kept happening. I did what I thought would fix it, but now I just get the good ol’ Blue Screen of Death. In fact, it’s probably going to happen again any time now, so I had better save this right now.

There. Saved.

I have no idea what is wrong. I’ve removed everything that this junkbox could possibly find offensive. But it just keeps happening. I’m this close to just gutting this system and using one computer instead of two, but I’d rather keep the other one separate for Photoshop and other more intensive applications, and this misbehaving one here for everything else. Sigh.

There. Saved again. Don’t you quit on me now!

Ok, so now to catch up on things.

On Sunday I went to see a screening of the original 1954 black and white Godzilla. I had actually tried to get tickets to see it on Friday, but it sold out and another screening was set up. This is the newly restored and subtitled print that has been making the rounds on the small theater circuit. Believe it or not, I actually saw the film at an art gallery, right beside where I used to go to school. That’s right, because Godzilla is an art film.

Laugh all you want, but that’s not actually too far from the truth. The original Godzilla is a very dark and artful movie, with a lot of allegory and social commentary when put into the context of the time. It seemed like a few people were there simply to laugh at the cheesiness, and sure, the first time you actually see Godzilla it is a bit silly, but as the movie went on I think people got into it and saw how serious it really is. After it was over I found that the people I watched it with had some interesting commentary. They saw Godzilla as the “good guy“. That’s a unique observation, and while I’m not going to say that it’s wrong, most people who studied the film would say that Godzilla is a villain, and his image was gradually softened as the movies of the Showa era went on. But the case could be made that Godzilla is simply the force of nature and mankind is the villain for waking him up. It’s a much different film than the dubbed and edited version staring Raymond Burr. There was more substance there since it related so closely to the Atomic Bombs that were dropped on Japan during World War II. The subject matter regarding weapons is still timely, and while the effects are dated as you’d expect from a movie this old, the destruction of Tokyo is an incredible and intense scene. It’s no wonder that people in Japan were lining up in front of theaters for hours to see this movie 50 years ago. I’m very glad that I went to see it and that I was joined by others who enjoyed it as well.

Now hopefully this computer will start being good so I won’t have to go all Godzilla on it.

Which reminds me. There. Saved again.



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