
There’s a big sale at Toys R Us this week. I took it this opportunity to pick up a Transformer that I’d been eyeing for a long time, but had yet to buy due to the price. But the price was knocked down almost in half, so I finally decided that the time was right to get the exclusive Air Attack Optimus Primal. He was a toy originally set for release under the Beast Machines line, but was cancelled and actually saw the light of day due to fan demand under Robots in Disguise packaging. He’s mostly accurate to his animated appearance (and I know all about that), very possable, massive in size, and actually has the voice of Gary Chalk. He says “The Seeds of the Future Lie Buried in the Past!“, but he says it in such a way as if he’s very frustrated that I didn’t learn this in school. He also makes several other sound effects, and is probably the noisiest Transformer they’ve ever made. The best part, though, is that the box says that he transforms into a “Supreme Gorilla“. Not just any gorilla, but a Supreme one! That’s freakin’ awesome. He’s a big bad monkey. Don’t mess with him.

Recent anime that I’ve been watching includes the following:

Shin Getter Robo 2004: Whoa, this came out of nowhere! I’m a big fan of Getter Robo and I had no idea that a new Getter show was on the way, but there it is. This series is unrelated to both the original 70’s Getter Robo and the 90’s Shin Getter Robo, but rather seems to be a new version of the story using the original Getter design as the prototype robot and the Shin Getter as the finished product. It has great animation, it’s very dark and a bit mysterious, and best of all, it’s violent as sin. The blood just flows like water in this show.

Tetsujin 28 Gou: WOW. Another remake of a classic anime, this one being a new version of the show known in English as Gigantor. Much like the new Astro Boy series, this show has some incredible high tech animation, but it’s still very grounded in the tradition of the original. The look and feel of the characters is very retro. Even the theme song is the same. It seems to be quite epic and has several World War II references. It’s a surprisingly refreshing show. The really unfortunate thing is that the original creator of Tetsujin 28 just recently passed away in a fire just as his creation was being revitalized.

Sensei no Ojikan: Very strange show about a class of weird students taught by a woman who looks like a 10 year old girl. The style of this show uses a lot of visual sound effects and random Japanese writings that appear out of nowhere. I’m not quite sure why I’ve been watching it, but it’s an interesting, albeit bizarre take on Japanese school life.

Megas XLR: Ok, this isn’t really an anime, it’s actually a Cartoon Network original series, but it has a lot in common with anime. It’s about this guy who finds a robot from the future in a junk yard and customizes it in crazy ways, similar to how some people have tricked-out cars. Then aliens go back in time to get it back and the chaos ensues. It’s a very funny, crazy, but clever show that parodies things like anime, Transformers, and video games, so people who are into this stuff are going to get a big kick out of it. It has yet to air in Canada, but I’m sure it will eventually.

That is all. Time to play with my monkey.



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