October 20, 2021

More New(ish) Artwork Added.

I took some time to add a few more pieces of artwork from the backlog to the Illustration page! Check out my drawings of Splinter, Godzilla, Rattrap, Doctor Doom, Optimus Prime, and… Jack Skellingtor?

The Optimus Prime one, based on his appearance in Transformers War of Cybertron: Siege, became one of the best pieces I had ever done and got some attention on Reddit and other places I posted it. Now it’s finally up here. This is the kind of thing I was hoping people would commission me to make more of but I sort of moved onto other directions as I am often prone to do. Now I feel like I would rather make silly drawings than cool drawings, but I can always be convinced to change my mind.

Of course, you can continue to see my latest art on my DeviantArt and NewGrounds pages, as well as sketches, works in progress, and other stuff on my Tumblr.

I’ll be busy working on something else as I gear up for Toronto TFcon in December. I don’t know how much more art and other updates I’ll be able to do until after that, so I wanted to take care of this stuff first. See you on the other side. Or anytime I’m on Twitch.



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