July 11, 2019

TFcon 2019 HYPE!

It’s time! TFcon Toronto 2019 is this weekend. The hype is real. I’ve been looking forward to this since… well since TFcon 2018! There are some truly amazing guests and incredible events scheduled for the show, and tons of new and old toys to buy too.

I’ll be presenting a panel called “Beyond Transformers: Takara’s Extended Robot Universe“. It’s all about other sci-fi and robot toys made before and after Transformers by the same Japanese company. It’s happening at 3pm on Sunday, the final event of the show before the organizers’ panel. Which means that TFcon ends when I say it ends. I’m working hard to make this my most epic presentation yet, full of some of the craziest robots you’ve ever seen. It’s going to be another “You had to be there” kind of moment, so you’re not going to want to miss it.

If you are attending, I hope to see you there. Come over and say hi to me.

I’ll have a full report of everything that happened when I get back.



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