
The big anime conventions in the US always yield some juicy news (as opposed to the Canadian conventions, in which the major licensors hardly have any presence at all). The most common announcements are when a popular anime series is confirmed to be headed for a North American release. Of course, when something like that happens, the groups who have been supplying fansubs need to stop distributing that show so that it’s no longer available for free over the Internet anymore.

Usually, I’m not all that excited when a show gets licensed, since most of the time I only download a few episodes just to check out a series and see if it’s appropriate to show to my anime drawing class, so I don’t really get attached to most shows. There have been a few exceptions, though. Well, I just read a very big announcement concerning a show that I’ve seen every episode of, and even though I downloaded the entire series for free awhile ago, I couldn’t be happier that it’s finally been licensed.

The show is called “Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu“. Quite the mouthful, I know. It translates to “The Jungle was Always Nice, then Along came Guu“, or “The Jungle is Always Sunny or Hungry“, and it’s about this strange little girl who comes move in with a mother and son who live in the jungle. But it’s really about the son, who has a hard time dealing with the fact that everyone and everything around him is so weird, and he’s the only one that realizes it. It is one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. If you love a good laugh, you’ve got to check this show out. And now that it’s been licensed, it’ll be much more accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, the licensor, AN Entertainment, says that it’s not coming out until 2005, so we’ve got a bit of a wait. But I’ll be buying each and every volume when it comes out!

I hope that all of you leachers out there who are downloading your anime are doing the right thing and buying the official versions of the shows you’ve been watching for free once the official DVDs come out. And this ain’t the 90’s anymore, so no more of this “They’re going to ruin it!” crap. Buy it. Support the art that you love, and make sure that the people who worked so hard on bringing it to you get paid. It’s only fair.


June 30, 2004

I Throw my Work to Mars!

The epic saga of Ninjatron vs. Paul continues! As I said in my previous entry, I replied to his guestbook comments with some remarks of my own that many of you would come to expect from me. Well, the gauntlet has been thrown down! This was the recent reply I got from him in my e-mail (censored for your protection).

Hey sucker,
i`m german and my english is very bad `cause i`ve learned t with an translater.i knew that.but it is realy bad work you did.not One of your drawings look like the original characters.and ok,i was 8 years old child can do it much better.i`ve seen better arts in the net than you do punk.even i can do better ones.of course,it`s not because your styl to draw why they are so`s the point of talent.and you have no talent to draw transformers.ok,you can draw manga girls,but not transformers.and arrogant is still your second name.when someone reads your comments to your pics he will find out,that you throw your work to realy think that your pics are good.that is the sad thing about that.and i think my english(learned by one book) is better than your drawing(learned years at shool).so face the truth my still suck and you have a lot to learn `bout drawing.but you idiot don`t understand that `cause you have a too big ego.
so f*** off you talentless freak.
best wishes to get any talent for you little boy.
Now, you honestly didn’t think that I was just going to roll over and die after that, did you? Oh no, I never back down from a fight! For entertainment purposes only, here is my point by point response.


Hey sucker,

Guter Tag zu Ihnen, mein Freund!
i`m german and my english is very bad `cause i`ve learned t with an translater.i knew that.
I’m sorry to hear about your plight. But you know what? A jackass is still a jackass, in any country and in any language. And you, mon ami, are a jackass.
but it is realy bad work you did.not One of your drawings look like the original characters.
I don’t even know what you mean here. I don’t want my drawings to look like the original characters. They are, in fact, my interpretations of those characters, who while having the same details, are drawn differently, since that’s just the way I do things. In fact, I actually say so there in the comments! Don’t like it? Ok. Think that means I suck? Then screw you.

You’re not even backing up anything you say with proof or examples. How am I supposed to take you seriously? What are you really trying to accomplish here?

and ok,i was 8 years old child can do it much better.
Sure they can. Just keep telling yourself that. How many 8 year olds do you know, anyway? I’d like to see their artwork. Perhaps I can learn a thing or two from them. Or are you just saying that out of your ass in a vain attempt at stirring up trouble? Yeah, I figured as much. Come on, Paul, that’s pretty lame. What’s next, you’re going to say that my mother is overweight or some other school yard insult?

I’m pretty familiar with the abilities of a typical 8 year old artist, considering how I have taught several of them over the past 6 years. Now far be it for me to devalue the accomplishments of an 8 year old artist, but I don’t think that I’m being outrageous when I say that you’re full of garbage.

i`ve seen better arts in the net than you do punk.
Yeah, so have I. What’s your point? It’s not like I ever said that I was the best, or that I was better than anyone else. And you know what? Some of the guys who do these “better arts”, as you call them, are friends of mine! And you know what else? A lot of those folks really like my web page! And I’ll bet that they also think that you’re an idiot for saying the things that you’ve said. How about that, huh? What a world.
even i can do better ones.
Woah woah woah, here, cowboy! Those are fighting words! You can’t just say something like that and not back it up. Prove it! Let’s see your stuff! Get yourself a web page and we’ll all see what you can do! If you want you can even get an 8 year old to help you! I just hope he remembers to tell you to stay inside the lines when you colour.
of course,it`s not because your styl to draw why they are so`s the point of talent.and you have no talent to draw transformers.
Well, that’s a very subjective thing, Paul-chan! Some people like the way I draw Transformers. Some people don’t. That’s fine. But to say that I have no talent, and that I “suck” is pretty short sighted. I mean, yeah, they’re not perfect or anything (nor would I ever say that they are), but no talent? No talent whatsoever? Come on, Paul. You’re obviously just joking around here. Cut that out, you big kidder you.
ok,you can draw manga girls,but not transformers.
Whoo! So you admit it! I *DO* have some talent after all! You like those girlies, don’t you Pauly? Yeah, I thought so. They’re cute.
and arrogant is still your second name.
Well, guilty as charged, then! I mean, when scum like you decide to prove their existence to me in the manner you have done, then what choice do I have but to believe that I am, in fact, a far superior life form? In light of your idiocy, it seems pretty obvious to me!
when someone reads your comments to your pics he will find out,that you throw your work to mars.

…………. mars?

……. What the hell does that even mean?!! Why would I throw something that far? So the aliens can see it too?

I guess that must be some kind of expression I’m not familiar with. I still don’t see it, man. I don’t know what you are reading, because at no place in my comments did I ever say that I was a great as you think I think I am at drawing Transformers.

you realy think that your pics are good.that is the sad thing about that.
Yeah, I think they’re good. So what? I never said that they were the best, and I often point out things that could be better. But I’m happy with most of them. If you’ve got a problem with that, than choke on it, fanboy.
and i think my english(learned by one book) is better than your drawing(learned years at shool).so face the truth my still suck and you have a lot to learn `bout drawing.but you idiot don`t understand that `cause you have a too big ego.
Sorry. I guess I’ll go back to “shool“. *snicker*

I never once said that I still didn’t have anything to learn. Seriously now, are you just making stuff up? If your English is really this poor, then maybe you should pause to consider that you might not be reading correctly!

so f*** off you talentless freak.
Hey now, I may be a freak, but let’s not resort to that kind of language here! You might actually hurt someone’s feelings. Ha ha ha!
best wishes to get any talent for you little boy.
Well thanks very much. And might I reiterate how much I’ve loved our little conversations. For you see, lots of people like my artwork and my website, but lots of people also like how I make fun of stupid people just like you! You’ve given me so much content to work with here, it is an absolute joy to read and blast apart. It will provide hours of entertainment to vistors of my website for generations to come. But by all means, if you take offense to me publicly exposing how big of a fool you are, as you so rightly deserve, then take my advice and do what you should have done in the first place: Shut the Hell up. Because there is nothing that you can say or do that can make me change my mind about my artwork and my website, and that’s not because I have a big ego, but rather because your juvenile and incohesive comments have proven yourself to be a tactless little punk-ass bastard with no manners, no taste, poor communication skills, and no sense of honor, which means that nobody is ever going to listen to you or believe anything you have to say. Honestly, your opinion became null and void the moment you decided to exclaim yourself by typing “you suck”, and for that you need to realize that it is actually you who are, in fact, the one who sucks!

Haben Sie einen schönen Tag, Idioten!


Ahh, now that felt good. Not to come across as being arrogant (who, me?), but I’m very proud of this. Not only because I feel that it is a finely crafted piece of literature, but also because I resisted a very powerful urge to work a David Hasselhoff reference in there once I found out that he was from Germany. That would have been stooping to a level I’d prefer to keep myself above, but damn, that would have been so funny. I’ll let you all write your own.

Hey, if you also think that this guy is an idiot, then why not prove him wrong by signing the guestbook and letting me know what you think about this website. I’m sure you could do a much better job of expressing yourself than our Hasselhoffing friend Paul.

Whoops! Did I just say that? It just slipped out, I swear!


Had a nice weekend out of town. It was a quick trip up north, but worthwhile. I returned home yesterday to read this wonderful recent guestbook entry from a chap by the name of Paul!

Hey,you suck.I visit your Page `cause i`ve searched some cool TF Arts.Google search has shown your Page.Well,i think it`s a good Work for an 8 Year old Child.But your comments are very arrogant.You have no talent to draw any Character.If it`s TF,X-Man or something.It`s sad but true.Your Work don`t fit at all.
Lucky for me, Paul actually left an e-mail address! Amazing! So, I’ll share with all of you what I just sent to him.


Hey Paul! Guess what? You suck too! You think that my work is good for an 8 year old child? Well, I’ve seen 8 year old children that can articulate themselves through writing much better than you. But then you say that I have no talent to draw any character, but that does not make any sense, Paul! You just said that my work is good for an 8 year old child, so that means that I do have talent, the talent of an 8 year old child who is good at drawing. Make up your mind, Pauly!

I don’t think that the comments in my Transformers art are very arrogant at all. If anything, I’m usually pretty hard on myself. I’m the first to point out when there’s something wrong, so I don’t know what you are talking about. Perhaps you are just making things up?

If you don’t like my style of artwork then that’s ok, it’s your opinion. But for you to say that I suck and my work don’t fit at all (what the hell does that even mean?) is just asinine. I’ll draw any character I want in any style that I want, and there’s nothing that you or anyone else can do about it!

Thanks for leaving these comments in my guestbook, Pauly-boy. And that’s especially for making them so ignorant and nonconstructive, because now I have something to make fun of and share with my fans. If you don’t like that then that’s too freakin’ bad, and hopefully you’ll learn that next time you don’t like someone’s artwork you’ll actually offer up an intelligent opinion instead of being stupid and rude.

In conclusion, bite me!


After that, I don’t think I’m out of line or being arrogant when I say that I rule. Believe it.


Got this thought provoking entry in my guestbook recently by a youngster by the name of “syko kid“.

omfg! rotlf!~ we soo go together like fries and vanilla icecream! we should be best friends, you know? i mean you artwork is so amazing and i could appreciate it for you! unlike some other dimwits on this guest book. also i could do homework for you, like english and suc h!
Wow. I have no idea what to make of that. It seems quite complementary so I can’t really make fun of it, but I can’t help but comment on the irony at work here. There’s no way in hell that I’d ever let anyone with typing this atrocious do my English homework for me, let along anything else involving a language of any sort. That’s hilarious. Besides, I don’t have homework. But thanks go out to my new best friend for checking out the site and signing the guestbook. Enjoy your fries and ice cream. rotlf!~

Saw this interesting bit of movie news while surfing around today.

Now, I didn’t read the book, and I know that often the Hollywood people will change things around when they make a movie, but this is ridiculous

‘Harry Potter’ Loses Potency Atop U.S. Box Office
Sunday June 13 2:21 PM ET
Harry Potter as a devout high-schooler who gets pregnant following an unsuccessful attempt to cure her boyfriend of homosexuality, has earned $3.7 million to date. The $5 million film was released by United Artists, a unit of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc .
Yes, that was real news. According to Yahoo it is, anyway. See for yourself.


This weekend I was in the great state of Michigan. Was there to see family and so on, stuff that you’d probably not find very interesting. But I was able to make a trip out to Target to search for toys, which is a rare treat since that store does not have a presence in Canada. I left the store with this:

Spider-man 1

Amazing Spider-man!

This is no mere action figure. This guy is 18 inches tall, and has 67 points of articulation. He’s jointed right down to each individual knuckle. You can put this guy into some incredible Spidey poses. And he’s BIG. Even bigger than Unicron! See for yourself!

Spider-man 2

Ha ha, the Chaos Bringer looks like a chubby little child next to Spidey!

But I didn’t just buy him for the coolness factor alone. I think that this will make a great model to draw from in regards to poses and some anatomy.

Plus, he’s freakin’ Spider-man! You can’t beat that. Now they just need to make a Hulk figure in scale with Spidey here. Imagine the size of THAT!
