August 25, 2004

Headline News: I rock.

This past weekend, the local newspaper had a nice passing reference to the anime drawing classes that I teach.

In an article from Saturday’s Economist and Sun (Aug 21, 2004) entitled “Movies Creating Comic Craze“, Mitchell Brown writes about the resent crop of films inspired by comic books and their effect on the comic book industry. My boss, the honorable David Bluestein, was interviewed for his take, and talked about how these films have brought new fans to his drawing classes at Comic Book Masters. When the subject of the new trends involving graphic novels and Japanese comics and animation came up, he had this to say:

“At our school, we opened up with an anime (Japanese animation) program and I thought it was just a phase, but here we are six years later and it’s one of our most highly attended classes.”
Hey, I teach those classes! That’s really freakin’ cool! Thanks Dave! Hopefully this will help get the word out and bring in some new prospective cartoonists this fall.



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